After months of hardcore "nudging", I have finally convinced Bethany to continue with band next year.
I am so jealous of my friends whose kids are getting out of school this week, while mine have to stick it out until next Wednesday. Why our school district has to have more days than all other school districts in southeast Michigan is beyond me.
Trying to provide vegetarian, gluten-free meals for Chris and I, and regular food for the kids is tiresome and not a good scenario for someone who doesn't much like cooking to begin with.
My almost 12-year old child is apparently a bad influence who is bound to negatively impact the lives of her peers because she is allowed to watch most PG-13 movies.
My day was made when a favorite teacher from high school commented on a picture of my friend and I on Facebook, and remembered what we gave him for Christmas 20 years ago.
I still have not watched the new season of Arrested Development on Netflix.
I have allowed myself to get sucked into Candy Crush.
I am determined to have A Plan this summer, so our days don't get wasted away arguing about whose turn it is to pick a show on Netflix and losing brain cells to Mindcraft.
My neighbor was trimming out her hastas and gave me some cuttings to plant in my yard, and my opposite-of-green thumb cannot even handled that simple gardening task. The poor hastas don't look well. Maybe I should talk to them or something.
I have been falling asleep for a few hours around the time the kids go to bed, and then waking up in the middle of the night to do all the crap I was supposed to get done after the kids were in bed. This is not conducive to feeling well rested in the morning.
What are you saying So What to this week?
I've heard a lot about Candy Crush but haven't tried it! And I probably should not :P I tend to get addicted to games easily.
It's nice to read about another parent getting ready for Summer break with their kids. Our son also gets out next Wednesday. I'm not too concerned about him getting out later than others (Arizona 2 weeks ago) because our school starts at the beginning of September vs. beginning of August (other schools). He will have more of a traditional Summer break. I worry about entertainment for the Summer too. We can't afford those amazing Camps at $200 per week, not even one week of it. I just have to be creative in anyway I possibly can. We do enjoy watching movies and playing games, but that gets old too after a couple of weeks. Friends are not around much, as they can afford camps, and vacations. I'm a bit tired of trying to figure out what to make for dinner every night too, glad I'm not the only one.
I will say though that when I drop my son off for the first day of school, I always tell him, "I had a great Summer with you buddy".
Our school starts after Labor Day, state law for public schools in Michigan. I just signed the kids up for the library's summer reading club, and I bought them a book of gross science experiments at the last Scholastic book fair, so I figure we can try to do one or two of those each week. We have a really nice local park we'll be going to a lot, and I'm contemplating getting a pool pass to our city pool. I'll find ways to keep the little buggers busy! I love summer with my kids, enjoy!
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