Friday night I met my wonderful friend Julie at Partridge Creek, which is an outdoor mall where dogs are allowed in the stores. She introduced me to Charming Charlie, which is like Claire's for grown-ups, and I fell in love with it. The prices are fabulous and it's so much fun to look around at all the accessories. Then we walked around outside for awhile, indulged in some Starbucks deliciousness, and then walked around inside Parisian until closing time because it got to be pretty cold outside when the sun went down. Julie and I have been friends since 7th grade and I'm so grateful that we are still friends. We always have a great time, now if only we could manage to get together a little more often!
The kids came home for a few hours, and then it was time to take them to my mother-in-law's for a planned sleepover at her house. She agreed to keep them so I could go out with my mom to see The Smiths United (Chris's band) play. My friends Tina and Todd came too and met us there, and it was a great night of music and good conversation. I came home to a quiet house and got to sleep in again on Sunday morning! Glorious!
Sunday was a banner day in several ways. Number one: my friend came over to pick up a bunch of baby toys and paraphernalia that had been taking up a lot of space in my basement and garage. She can use the stuff, I can use the space = a win win situation.Total catharsis. I love getting rid of stuff, especially when I can pass it on to someone who can actually use it. Number two: I texted my friend Cathy and she texted me back. An incredible and rare occurrence, trust me. (love you Cathy!) Number three: late lunch at in-law's with the kids = no cooking. Bonus: Lucy finished her school project (you know, that one that I recycled last week and she had to re-do over the weekend?) while at the in-law's.
So yeah, then there was Monday morning. I was, as always, happy to go to Aimee's for book club. A few were absent due to sick family members, but we still had a good meeting. And Aimee hooked me up with hand-me-downs from her daughter, which will comprise Lucy's spring/summer wardrobe (thanks again, Aimee!). Despite the rain and the wanting badly to stay in bed, Monday started out well. The rest of the day wasn't horrible, just kind of blah. After book club, Mattie and I went to Macy's, armed with coupons and gift cards. And I couldn't find anything I really wanted. Maybe I would have had better luck if I had remembered to bring a stroller, or if I had been alone. I don't know. We came home, had lunch, and I was exhausted so I decided to take a little snooze on the couch (while Mathilda watched television on the couch beside me). I set my alarm for one hour, and then tried to fall asleep for about 55 minutes (kind of difficult with a squirmy 3-year old who refuses to take her shoes off climbing all over me), at which point I was quickly roused by an exclamation of, "Oh no! I went pee pee on the couch!" Seriously? By the time I got that cleaned up it was just about time to pick up the kids from school.
It really hasn't been a horrible day, just gloomy and tired and cranky. Good things about today: book club, cookies and fruit salad for breakfast, hand-me-downs for Lucy, and grocery shopping (only because now there's food in the house). I better get to bed, incidentally, so tomorrow is not a repeat performance of the gloomy/tired/cranky portions of the day.
Did you have a good start to your week?
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