My allergies are worse than they've been in a LONG time. Ohmygosh, I am miserable. I'm about to go take my third allergy pill of the day and go to bed, before 11:00.
I think I've already mentioned this, but I have started the Couch25K program over again. I completed it in December and ran my first 5K race, and I even ran a 5K at the gym a week or two ago. My friend tried telling me I should skip ahead to week 4 on the app, but I'm not gonna do it. Baby steps. Some day I'm NOT going to feel like I'm about to drop dead when I'm running.
I'm so tired and it is messing with my basic brain functioning. If there is something important that I was supposed to do for you, please kindly remind me.
This week we are having the weather I've been dreaming about for months. Perfect. Beautiful. Warm.
Sunshine really helps to improve my moods & I'm so happy we've had plenty lately. That said, I dread when I'm getting ready to drive somewhere and I look outside and see nothing but blue skies. My eyes are super duper sensitive to light AND I broke my only pair of sunglasses.
Last weekend Chris and I finally removed an old rose bush that has been taunting me since we moved in. We took down the whole flower bed and put down grass seed. It was not a nice rose bush, don't feel sorry for it.
Now I have to transplant all my tulip bulbs. Hoping they take!
I got bangs last week. I'm still getting used to them, but I think it's all good.
Today was one of the warmest days we've had so far this year, and here's me in jeans and running shoes all day.
I painted my toe nails in my van yesterday. Specifically, while parked outside of Lucy & Connor's school, getting ready to go inside to work on book fair stuff. The smell of nail polish gives Chris a headache, and I was wearing open toe shoes. Had to be done.
What are you saying So What to this week?
I get the worst allergy headaches, so I feel your pain. Hopefully we will both be back to normal soon.
This week, I was having constant headaches due to change of weather and it is really hard for me to finish everything I have to do for the day.
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