Oh it's REALLY a So What week around here.
So what if our family room is totally torn apart? We completely re-arranged our living room on Mother's Day: moved the piano from the living room to the family room, swapped chairs, brought cabinets out of the family room & into the living room and hallway. And now our family room is looking pretty dang, well...let's just say I wouldn't invite you into that room if you were to drop in for a visit.
So what if I chose to spend my Mother's Day cleaning and re-arranging furniture. Once in awhile I just get this itch for a CHANGE and that was the day. So now our living room looks totally different. We still need a few things to complete it, but I am really happy with the changes.
So what if my darling daughter has completely peeled the leather off the seat of one our dining room chairs...in tiny little bits. And she's working on a second chair. New chair covers have been ordered, which should solve the problem for the time being. Since our dining room is adjacent to our living room, the new covers will go along with our living room transformation.
So what if I'm playing store with Mathilda while writing this. She has half of my attention. Give or take.
So what if Mathilda's preferred hairstyle of late is a headband worn hippie style.
So what if we skipped preschool yesterday because I didn't feel like doing bike day. No one tell Mathilda. If she catches wind of this at school tomorrow she is not going to be a happy camper.
So what if Mathilda is now arguing with me about wearing her nightgown to play outside. Yes we've moved on from playing store. This kid never wants to take her nightgown off.
So what if the blog has been relocated to the backseat of my life these past couple weeks. Maybe longer. I'm still here, and I usually post on the Facebook page pretty regularly. But I'm definitely a bit behind in my blogging responsibilities.
So what if it's sounding like I'm going to be missing Mattie's end of the year school picnic to attend a blogger event. I am sure I can find someone to step in for me and take her so she won't miss out.
So what if I brought my (uninvited) kids to a wedding last weekend. Just the church, don't worry. I'm not rude enough to bring them to the reception and demand extra plates. Just rude enough to walk into church (late) with four uninvited guests.
So what if I'm going to take this opportunity to plug a giveaway I have going on that's ending in 2 days. So go on and enter to win 4 personal training sessions from Swift Results Personal Training. Thank you!
So what if I'd like to promise you that I'll have more giveaways going live later today (I have about 6 I need to post!) but I'm just not sure I'll be that with it. I'm battling a headache and a child who is itching to get outside and play.
What are you saying so what to today?
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