Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Confession Time: Field Day Sucks

Today is Field Day at Bethany & Connor's school. You know, that super fun day where all the students in the whole school hang out in the field all day long and play games and do all kinds of physical activities to prove their athletic prowess and let their competitive streaks run wild. I've been all about pumping them up for Field Day. 

"Oh boy guys, Field Day is coming up, aren't you excited?"

"Are you looking forward to Field Day? It's going to be SO FUN!"

"Field Day is gonna be awesome, don't you think?"

They were perhaps marginally looking forward to a day of no school work, but they weren't exactly jumping up and down in anticipation when I dropped them off at school this morning. And I have no idea why I've been feigning excitement about Field Day because the truth is I absolutely hated Field Day when I was a kid. No really, hated it. If ever there was a day that I prayed for sickness, even within a week or so of Field Day in the hopes of at least scoring a doctor's note excusing me from the "festivities", that was it. I was perhaps the most un-athletic kid ever.

Maybe because I dreaded Field Day every year, for some reason I really want my kids to love it. But I can't blame them if they don't. I can't undo the shame of my childhood by living vicariously through my offspring. Oh well, doesn't mean I won't keep trying.

What about you? Was Field Day your favorite day of the year, or did you hate it too?


Idiot Mom said...

I hated field day as a child, and I hate it as a parent. I was suckered into helping at my eldest daughter's field day 12 years ago. I haven't helped since. My 12 yo had his LAST field day yesterday and he was sick. He likes field day. I think it's a boy thing:)

alyaia75 said...

My kids are actually having fun. They came home for lunch today. Neither of them are pretending to be sick. Hmmm.

ThurberGang said...

Ha, ha. . . I'll confess - I *LOVED* field day. And my kids love it. . . funny. I think that our field days were *way* more fun growing up than they are now, though - it seemed to me that they were extravagant, so many different stations, so much fun.

alyaia75 said...

Hilary, I am so not surprised that you loved it. You were probably one of those kids who won a bunch of ribbons too.

Gina Jacobs Thomas said...

Ugh...totally hated it. Granted, I liked the bus ride, hanging out with friends, and eating junk food, but I hated the games. Sack races? Obstacle courses? I sucked at all of them. How did your kids do?
Gina from vB

alyaia75 said...

Gina, they had a good time. It seems like way more fun than when I was a kid. They have stuff like bounce houses and face painting, so it's not all competitive games. I'm glad they enjoyed it. Maybe I can erase the shame of my childhood by living vicariously through them after all.

Susan W. said...

Hello...visiting from the Alexa Hop. Following along via GFC. Would love for you to visit www.fingerclicksaver.com and return the love. Have a great weekend!

alyaia75 said...

Hi Susan, thanks for visiting and following!