First of all I have *2* giveaways going on right this very minute! Neither of them are buzzing with activity, so I really hope some of you decide to enter. You'll have a really good chance of winning! And they are great prizes!
I reviewed the book How to Love Your Labour by Tracey Rose, and you have 3 more days to enter to win a copy of this ebook (value $27). Tracey shares her amazing birth stories and has sort of kind of made me wish I had tried natural childbirth. It's an inspiring book. Even though I'm done birthing babies, I love birth stories and I enjoyed reading the book. Click HERE to enter now! Also please feel free to share!
My second giveaway is for 250 customized stickers from UPrinting (value $40), including FREE shipping. This is a really cool prize. You can design the stickers anyway you'd like, including photos or artwork. This is a great prize, which could be used as a business promotional tool or something more creative and fun. The giveaway ends in just 1 day, so waste no time - click HERE to enter now!
I am really trying to improve my eating habits and my fitness level, which is always a challenge. I'm not sure there is anyone on this planet who has a harder time losing a measly couple pounds. I mean seriously. The vegetarianism is going well, and I've been exercising. Last night I went to an alternative health seminar with my mom, where I took a survey which lead me to the knowledge that I am addicted to sugar. No duh. Honestly though, I'm working on that. My sugar consumption is way down, scout's honor.
I've been going to a book club with a few of my good friends, and loving it. Really loving it. This week we are finishing up Frankenstein. I have a whole new appreciation for Monday mornings.
Connor has developed a sudden aversion to sleeping alone. I wrote this post over a week ago, and it's still going on. One night he even requested for me to sleep with him, something he never ever does. This got me to thinking about my babies growing up and how they'll one day not want me to hold and cuddle them anymore.
In my zest for improving the earth, I accidentally recycled Lucy's school project. Oops!
I pondered the question, Can People Change? What do you think, can they?
I wrote about the impossibility of fairness in this world, especially when concerning siblings. Yet we never stop trying...
I reviewed a new age-y movie, The Thought Exchange, which is somewhere along the lines of The Secret. I bought the book it's based on for my Kindle for only $2.99, so once I get around to reading it I'll write about that too. The Thought Exchange: Overcoming Our Resistance To Living A Sensational Life
I wrote about a contest Purex is having to win a one year supply of laundry detergent. I don't know anyone who wouldn't be thrilled to win that, so you should really go and enter. And be on the lookout in the coming weeks for a related giveaway, right here on MichiGal...
I linked up with Mrs. Weber's Neighborhood for her new meme, My Michigan Memory. I wrote about visiting Detroit's salt mine when I was a kid. Visit Mrs. Weber to see links to more Michigan memories, plus enter to win a 4-pack of tickets to either Greenfield Village or The Henry Ford Museum.
I wrote about Bethany's recent trip to Florida, and my disappointment with the way AirTran handled my unaccompanied minor.
There! All caught up now! Life is buzzing merrily along. I think I hear my new washing machine beckoning me, so I best answer its call...
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