It's time for So What! Wednesday, so I'm linking up with Life after I "Dew".

So What! if...
I did this ab workout yesterday, which apparently is the p90x ab ripper, and OMG it was so hard, and today I am so sore? Dying here, seriously.
I caved and bought ice cream today? Ben & Jerry's was on sale, I walked down the ice cream was fate, pure and simple.
I am super miffed with AirTran because of the way things went down Sunday when Bethany came home? And I am even more super miffed since I called them today to discuss my issues, and the customer service rep used our conversation as a long winded excuse to try to make me realize everything that happened was *my* fault, or my brother-in-law's fault.
I think I am just too tired and worn down to deal with AirTran anymore about this situation? I don't think I have it in me to do this conversation one more time.
I've been playing around on my Kindle Fire in bed at night when I should be sleeping? Ugh. Makes for a tired mama. When will I learn?
I left the cutting board on the kitchen counter the other morning after I made my breakfast smoothie because I was in a hurry to get to book club? Totally should not be a big deal except for the fact that it was covered in about 50 ants when I got home. OH MY GOD!!! Ewwwwwwww. Luckily I swiftly morphed into a mighty ninja ant killer. I should hang a sign that says "No Ant Escapes This Kitchen With Its Life Force Intact." That should totally scare them off, right?
I'm counting the days until school gets out? I can't wait to sleep in! Or at least not change out of my pajamas quite so early in the day, since I'm sure my children will never actually let me sleep in (if past summers are any indication whatsoever).
I can't seem to get anything done when my kids have friends over? I mean really, what is my deal? I'm sure they won't mind if I carry on with laundry or whatever, but I just can't seem to do it.
I love that Connor has a friend over today who is totally obsessed with Star Wars? They have been playing Star Wars, in one form or another, for hours. And it totally warms my heart.
What are you saying So What! to this week?
1 comment:
What is UP with all the freaking ants this summer?? Annoying, I know. Plus, I'm always doing stuff online like facebook at night when I should be sleeping. Not good. It does make for a tired mama. Hope you'll hop over and see what I'm saying so what to!
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