Sunday, November 13, 2011

Introducing the MichiGal Newsletter!

I'm rolling out a MichiGal Newsletter, and I'd love it if you'd sign up to receive it in your email inbox once a week!

Maybe you forget about me from time to time, or maybe you're missing my Facebook updates and my tweets. Each week's newsletter will include links to all posts from that week and a brief description, so you can click on the links you're interested in and catch up quickly.

The newsletter will also include other relevant information that you may be missing on MichiGal, and also some things you won't find here at all. As it grows, I hope to make it more and more interesting and full of great stuff!

There's a link to the subscription form in the left sidebar, or you can just click on one of the links within this post.

Thank you for your continued support!

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