Wednesday, November 2, 2011

'Tis the Season to Be Thankful

I'm really big on gratitude, being appreciative, giving thanks...well you get the idea. That's (duh) why I do Thursday Thankful Round-Ups every week. In honor of Thanksgiving, I'll be posting something I'm thankful for every single day right up until Thanksgiving Day. I know I'm a day late, but I'll just double up today and call it good.

November 1

I'm thankful for the beautiful trick or treating weather we had Monday night so we could enjoy our evening without freezing our bums off.

November 2
I'm thankful for flip-flops, in November, in Michigan. Oh yes I am. Looky here...

I guess we're experiencing an Indian Summer and it's so fabulous, I never want it to end. Well, not until next summer anyway.

I challenge YOU to join me in my month of Thanksgiving. Leave comments here, or on my Facebook page, or on your own blog or whatever. Be mindful of all you have to be grateful for, big and small.

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