Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts

My blogger friend Jennifer at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom started a new link-up today, and since I love her blog and never miss a post, I just had to link up!

(I'm just kind of jumping into this, but I'm pretty sure it's a random thoughts kind of link up.)

  • Lucy and Mattie love to play the Get Dizzy game. Remember that? I used to love it, too. Now I can't even stand to LOOK at them while they spin around until they get so dizzy they fall down. I also can't look at a merry go round while it's moving, or anything else with a spinning motion. I can kind of tolerate riding a carousel, but that's about the extent of spinning rides that I can handle. I don't really like any rides very much, but I particularly hate feeling like I'm going to hurl. Which is how I feel when I get dizzy. And I kind of have a fear of puking, because I have developed this weird thing where I pass out when I puke (or even feel like I'm going to be sick), which is obviously not cool. And also potentially detrimental to one's teeth. I should know.
  • Sometimes the noise in this house is just more than I can happily tolerate. Oh my goodness, little girls are loud. Connor can get loud, but 99% of the noise pollution in this house comes from the girls. I know I should enjoy the sounds of children's laughter and all that, and I a certain extent. And then I'm all, "BE QUIET! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" And then they're all like, "Oh no! Mom's mad! We better be quiet for 30 seconds so she's not mad anymore!" And so the cycle continues. I spent the first 18 years of my life alone in my quiet bedroom, more or less*. That influence doesn't easily go away.
  • I'm one week into my Shaklee 180™ program and kind of looking forward to my first weigh-in tomorrow. That sounds nuts to me, but I am anxious to see if I'm getting any results yet. And if I'm not, wth? But I'll keep trying. I am dedicated to finishing the entire six months. I'm looking at it as an experiment. I never thought I'd be a calorie counter, but here I am. I think I kind of became complacent, but now I'm ready to change that. Instead of being complacent, I want to be happy and comfortable with myself. The experiment part is actually two parts: 1)Can I stick with this and kind of have it become my new normal eventually? 2)Will it work? Is this what it is going to take for my body to finally shed these unwanted pounds?
  • I haven't really thought about what I'll do if I end up losing the weight I want to lose. Will I need new clothes? That may sound like a no-brainer to some, but I'm the type who can gain/lose quite a bit of weight and still be able to wear the same clothes. They may not look the same, but I can still get them on and zip them or whatever. My goal is to lose 18 pounds. We will see if that passes my typical range enough to require new jeans. I have a lot of jeans, so that would kind of suck. But if it happens, I promise not to complain too much about it!
  • Connor's having a birthday party with his friends tomorrow night. Apparently, I like to wing it because I have nothing ready, nothing planned, NOTHING! The only thing I know is the type of cake I'm making, because he specially requested it. And we're getting pizza. My house is a mess too. Bethany always starts making detailed lists of everything she wants to do, eat, watch, etc. weeks (if not months) ahead of time. Connor just tells me who to invite and, when pressed, what he wants to eat. It doesn't feel as urgent to get things ready when no one is breathing down my neck to do it. Left to my own devices, I am the worst procrastinator. 
  • I need a haircut so badly. I thought it was just the money that was holding me back from making an appointment, but I got a gift card for my birthday and I still haven't called. What is wrong with me?? I'm pretty sure it would be ideal to get hair cuts maybe two or three times a year instead of once. But the logistics of scheduling anything for myself makes my head hurt with the effort.

*I was not a hermit. I had friends, I got out. But I had a quiet bedroom to go to. And it was nice.


Rosemary said...

I LOVEEEE reading blog posts like this! I can relate to so many of the things written on here ;)

Jennifer said...

You got the idea exactly right!

Is it a slumber party tomorrow? Do 10 year old boys really notice if your house is clean?

Thanks for linking up!

Ramblings of a Suburban Mom