Wednesday, February 27, 2013

So What! Wednesday

So What Wednesday

We were really, really hoping for a snow day today. It was not a happy morning around here.

I use to be an occasional coffee drinker. Now I am a daily coffee drinker. I have no regrets.

My dog took over Lucy's old comforter. I was planning on keeping it for a back-up, but the kids were using it to make a fort in the family room, it got left on the floor, and the rest is history.

We traveled over two hours each way on Sunday so that my little girls could be subjects in a research study at Michigan State University.

While I was outside shoveling ridiculously heavy, slushy snow this morning, I could feel Spring in the air. Never mind that I was wearing boots and hat and gloves and I was shoveling. Somehow the air feels different when Spring is right around the corner.

I dread the annual thaw and the resultant mud bath in my backyard. What a mess!

When I buy Gogurt, it goes straight to the freezer.

I can't eat yogurt anymore. I use to have it almost every day, but it started messing with my stomach out of nowhere. I tried all different kinds and it all gave me the worst stomach ache ever. I'm afraid to try it again because it was really painful and sort of ruined my day every time.

I have been totally slacking in the workout department. Holy cow I have to get back on track.

Mathilda likes to draw about 25 pictures a day. While they're super cute and everything (as cute as squiggly lines and random shapes can possibly be!), I sneak 99% of them into the recycle bin when she's not looking. And I don't take pictures of them first.

When Bethany and Connor were babies, I sometimes let them cry it out. They were great self-soothers and fabulous sleepers. I never (or VERY rarely) let Lucy & Mattie cry it out, because big brother and big sister had to get up for school in the morning and I didn't want baby cries to disturb their slumber. Neither of them slept through the night until they were 18 months old. Yes, I realize that recent research findings indicate that I have ruined Bethany and Connor for life.

Lucky Charms were on sale last week, so I bought a box for St. Patrick's Day. It's our annual tradition. They have been sitting in the cupboard taunting my children, next to the Raisin Bran and unsweetened shredded wheat. If the crying it out didn't do it, this surely will.

What are you saying So What! to this week?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

We wanted a show day too! It was sad this morning to wake up and not see our school listed. Boo!

Ramblings of a Suburban Mom