I'm linking up for So What! Wednesday!

This week I'm saying So What! if...
- My phone goes totally wonky at least once a week. I can't turn it on, I can't turn it off, I can't text. It's very close to reaching brick status.
- My kids have decided to wait until the last week of school to start having difficult mornings. This one is crying because she can't find bobby pins (!?!), this one doesn't want to wear any of the shorts that are clean, so decides to wear some that are too small, that one wants to wear dress shoes with thick socks. Oh and that little one, why the heck is she up???
- Mathilda has a little tiny boo-boo on her toe, and her band-aid fell off in her sleep. It must be a sign of the apocalypse? See above.
- Last night a second slice of ice cream cake won out over working out. I'm digging deep for will power today! But not that deep, because I'm totally having more ice cream cake after lunch!
- I told Chris that vegetarians eat seafood. Oops! He cheats all the time, and I don't really feel bad about eating a little fish last night. I'm a lax vegetarian, and I'm alright with that.
- I'm bummed that Lucy's class is not having a kindergarten graduation.
- I've been letting the kids stay up way too late on school nights. Especially Lucy, because she really can't handle it. But when it's still light out and she's having so much fun outside and it's practically summer break already, I somehow think it's okay - until she is having a breakdown over something stupid and I realize that she really needs to be in bed!
- I loved Madagascar 3 probably as much as Connor.
- I'm just now getting around to ordering a birth certificate for Mathilda. She's 3.
- I'm hoping I don't start crying at Bethany's 5th grade awards tomorrow.
- I had a traumatic experience switching the blog's domain the other day. I think it's all worked out now, but there were a few tense moments there.
What are you saying So What! to this week?
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