Saturday, October 22, 2011

Holiday Decorations

I really hate premature holiday preparations. I'm a firm believer that Christmas decorations should not go up until after Thanksgiving. However, the older I get and the more hectic my life becomes, the more I can appreciate early holiday planning. So with that in mind, I can now go ahead and start talking about Christmas already.

Truth be told, I'm not much of a decorator for any holiday. We always have a tree, and sometimes lights outside, but lots of other fussy decorative items are not my thing. Not that I don't love to see the festive displays other people put up. It's just...okay, I'll admit it. I'm lazy. Putting up the decorations isn't so bad. But I can't shake that nagging thought that what goes up, must come down. And besides, I'm much more interested in Christmas cookies, which I will make with a happy vengeance.  

Actually I don't like a lot of tchotchke in general. I like things on the walls (funny since I have a huge bare wall in my living room), but I don't like things that need to be dusted or otherwise create extra work for me. I have seen some cool vinyl decorations, and recently I came across some with Christmas designs that seem low maintenance enough even for someone like me. Maybe I'll expand my holiday decorating a little this year. We'll see.

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