Wednesday, March 13, 2013

So What! Wednesday

So What Wednesday

I made myself a really thorough blog schedule for the month of March. The weekend was really busy and thus I am already way far behind.

I have discovered that counting calories is fun. No, really. I started using My Fitness Pal and I love it. Who knows, once I lose the rest of this weight, maybe I'll continue counting calories and using My Fitness Pal!

Mattie went to school with no hat again and I'm so excited to see her hair again!

Thursday is pajama day at preschool and I'm working in class that day. I think I'm going to conveniently "forget" to wear my pj's. Either that or go out and buy some new ones tomorrow because I don't think I have any cute enough that I'd be willing to wear in public. I'm so not into that pajamas as clothes trend.

I have been so exhausted at night, which is contributing to me being behind on everything. Right now I have a few blog posts to catch up on, some paperwork to do, laundry to switch, and a dishwasher that needs loading. And I absolutely have to be in bed within the next 45 minutes if I hope to get a decent amount of sleep. Not sure I see all of these things happening.

Bethany's basketball season is over and I'm really kind of sad about it. She didn't know what to do with herself Monday afternoon with no practice. It will be nice having her schedule freed up, but it's been so much fun watching the girls play and improve their game and develop friendships with one another. It's a mixed 5th/6th grade team, and seven of the 6th graders have agreed to go on to 7th grade CYO basketball together next year. Enough for a team, yay! And they already have a coach lined up. I'm already looking forward to it.

I'm not a sports fan AT ALL, but I love watching Bethany's basketball games!

I've barely been working out and I still managed to lose 4.5 pounds last week. I'm hoping the number on that scale goes down again this week!

I'm so annoyed with Pandora. I have to keep changing stations because it's playing crappy songs. Plus it totally drains the battery on my phone.

We have somehow gotten through over 11 years of parenting without hiring a babysitter, until this year.

What are you saying So What! to this week?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

PJS in class for adults is hard! I feel you.

And congrats on the 4.5 lbs!

Ramblings of a Suburban Mom