Sunday, June 17, 2012

Parlez-vous Francais?

In high school, my favorite class was French. I loved it. I loved my teacher, I loved conjugating verbs, I loved memorizing and reciting Noel, de Theophile Gautier. The language came pretty naturally to me, and not only did I loved the class, I pretty much considered it to be an easy A.

When I went away to college, I started out as a French major. I found my college courses to be much more challenging, but I still loved French. I had become accustomed to having the same teacher for all my years of high school French, and switching to a new professor was different. I adjusted and did fine, but I remember feeling a bit like I was out of my element. I don't exactly know what I planned on doing with a degree in French, but maybe I thought of working with a translation agency, or something similar.

But happened. I came home after being away for a year and went to the local community college for a few semesters. I was already beyond the top level of French offered at the community college, so I was no longer able to take classes. By the time I transferred yet again, this time to the university from which I earned my degree, I felt like I had been out of French for too long to pick up where I had left off. So my dream of becoming fluent in French came to a halt. I wish I had done something to keep my French skills fresh until I could once again start classes. But I didn't.

So now, almost 20 years later, I remember a smattering of French, but I wish I knew more. It's not too late for me. My brain isn't a fresh absorbent sponge like it once was, but if and when I decide to put my mind to it, I can learn again. Becoming fluent in French is one of the goals on my Life List. Someday...

Are you fluent in a foreign language, or do you wish you were?

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