Regardless, I don't think it's a bad idea to be prepared. Maybe we'll never face a major catastrophe, and I hope we don't. But major power outages, storms, and financial slumps are not so uncommon. It would be smart for us to have a supply of non-perishable foods, water, flashlights, and batteries for starters. It might even be a good idea to have small bags packed for each member of our family with essential items like blankets, food and water, copies of important documents, and a first aid kit just in case we ever had to get out of our house in a hurry.
I've heard recommendations that families should have on hand a one year supply of food and water for each member of the family. That way if you lose your job, at least you know your family can eat. If your entire neighborhood loses power for three days (or your entire region, as happened here in Michigan back in 2003), you'll know you have non-perishable food available for the duration. For many of us, where to put all that food could be a problem. There are special shelving units available that allow you to store quite a bit in a small area, and at the same time rotate your food supply so that none of it goes to waste. You can also find a Shelf Reliance coupon to help with the cost.
As it stands right now, we wouldn't last until next week let alone an entire year, so we could really work on our food and water supply. Do you have a plan in place in case of disaster? Do you have a stockpile of food and water? If so, how much do you have and what is your system for organizing everything?
I learned from the last thing that was supposed to hit us over here that its best to be prepared and not wait until the last minute. But if the world is going to end and I'm supposed to not "make it", it wouldn't matter if I'm prepared or not. Synical? Perhaps, but, you never know what to expect out of life anyway right? There is the ultimate power, and the decider of life, he controls what will happen or not to me, I have faith in him. Oh boy, where did I go? Thanks for sharing your blog with me (Rose Powell from SheSpeaks Blogger Society, I'm a fan and a follower)...
Well the end of the world is one thing, and there's really nothing we can do to prepare for that. But maybe some disasters could have lesser consequences if we did a little work ahead of time. Thanks for stopping by, I'm a fan and follower of you as well.
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