Most everyone is busily planning their Christmas festivities by now. We've started shopping but still haven't ironed out our plans quite just yet. But beyond Christmas, we're starting to think about our New Year's Eve plans.
New Year's Eve is typically pretty dull. We rarely have a babysitter and I, personally, can hardly stay awake until midnight. I've never been the biggest fan of New year's Eve, maybe because I've never done anything particularly fun. This year Chris's brother, who lives out of state, will be having his holiday visit over New Year's, and we're definitely planning on spending the last night of the year celebrating with him. The kids will be included too, because that is just how it goes for us, so I'm not sure exactly what to do to make it a memorable and enjoyable night for them and for us.
Good food will be involved, that's for sure. Maybe we'll play some games together too. We will let the kids stay up until midnight, if they can make it, and we'll toast the New Year with some sparkling cider. Perhaps we'll buy some noisemakers and let the kids really go to town. Other than these meager plans, I'm not sure what we'll do. I'm pretty sure we'll be staying in.
What do families do on New Year's Eve? If you have something fun planned, I'd love to hear all about it so I can steal your ideas!
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