Saturday our guests left and Chris's mom came to pick up Bethany and Lucy for a couple hours. She took Bethany to get a feather, and although Lucy didn't want one, she was happy to tag along. About 20 minutes after the girls came home, Bethany left again to go to a movie with a friend. And as soon as she came home from the movie, it was time for her to get ready for another friend's Halloween party. I can't imagine what this girl's social calendar is going to look like by the time she's in high school.
Sunday started out lazy. After I picked Bethany up, we carved pumpkins. Then Chris took Bethany and Connor down to the basement for a coming of age event: watching Poltergeist for the first time. Poltergeist was the first super scary movie Chris and I each watched when we were kids. I was a little reluctant to let my kids watch it because it freaked me the hell out when I first saw it. But Chris suggested maybe I was being over-protective, and they really wanted to watch it, so we both gave the green light. I went downstairs to check on them when the movie was about 15 minutes from ending, and they were both wondering what the fuss was about. They liked the movie but didn't think it was scary at all. Has the world changed that much?!? However, the last 10 or 15 minutes scared Bethany big time (Connor maintains that he only got scared when the clown doll jumped out), and she went to bed with the covers over her head. I'm hoping for no nightmares.
Actual conversation with Mathilda this weekend:
Mathilda: I scratch Mommy's back.
Me: Okay, go ahead, you can scratch my back.
Mathilda: (Lifts up my shirt to scratch my back) Uh-oh! It's poop!
Me: What are you talking about? What's poop?
Mathilda: (Touches a mole on my back)
Me: That's not poop! It's a beauty mark (euphemism for mole)!
Mathilda: Oooooh. I get booty mark too mama!
I love two. It's so much fun. I can't believe that within a year she'll change so drastically, she'll be ready for preschool. PAUSE.
I hope you had a fabulous weekend too!